- 1. Only DSCPE Students, Faculty and Staff as registered members are allowed to use the Library.
- 2. Members should produce their Library Membership card at the time of Borrowing of Books.
- 1. Books in demand may not be renewed.
- 2. Readers are responsible for books issued against their names.
- 3. Library reserves the right to recall any issued book even before the due date.
- 4. The material such as rare books, theses, dissertations, loose issues of periodicals etc. marked for consultation shall not be issued.
- 5. Borrowers must satisfy about the physical condition of the books before borrowing otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage later or at the time of return.
- 6. All students are allowed to borrow one book at a time from the General Shelf for a period of 7 days.
- 7. Faculty Member are allowed to borrow maximum 5 books at a time.
- 8. Students are advised not to issue Books to others on their names.
- 9. Reference Documents like Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Year Books, Journals (Loose & Bound), Theses, Project Reports, Census, Handbooks will not be issued out.
General rules
- 1. Readers should observe strict silence inside the Library.
- 2. Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library premises.
- 3. Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library premises.
- 4. Library membership card is non-transferable.
- 5. Readers are not allowed to bring their personal books or any printed material (spiral/bound book/photocopied material) inside the Library.
- 6. Personal belongings like bags (laptop, shoulder, sling), umbrellas, etc. should be deposited at the Property Counter. These are not allowed inside the Library.
- 7. Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card etc. at the Property Counter.
- 8. Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
- 9. Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for individual study and research only
- 10. Users should not rest or keep their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, etc.
- 11. Readers should not scribble on table tops or damage them.
- 12. Readers should not clutter the table with heaps of books and other reading material.

S.No | Praticulars | Quantity |
1. | Total no of Titles | 2140 |
Text Books | 2650 | |
Reference Books | 300 | |
2. | Total no of Journals & magazines | 15 |
3. | Indian Journals | 11 |
Foreign Journals | 2 | |
Peer Reviewed Journals | 2 | |
4. | Online Journals | 0 |
5. | CDs & DVDs | 45 |
6. | Video Cassettes | 8 |
7. | Audio Cassettes | 30 |

The college gives primary importance to the application of Educational Technology in Teaching and Learning. The Educational Technology Lab is equipped with LCD Multi Media projected with large screen projection for Multi Media Presentations. OHP for projecting transparencies, video camera, digital camera, TV, DVD and other modern devices. Students are trained in the Multi Media presentations for their lessons during the internship and teaching practice. The college is also equipped with LCD along with a computer installed in the lecture hall for the use of staff and students

The seminar hall is equipped with the LCD Projector and Public Addressing Sound System with a seating capacity of 200