Founded in the year 1994, the Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Educational & Charitable Trust has been in the forefront of providing high quality education in the region of Perambalur, an upcoming Yet-to-be developed region of Tamil Nadu. Spurred by overwhelming enthusiasm and ambitious zeal, Shri A. Srinivasan, has been the Harbinger of Literacy Development by being the founder of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Physical Education. Ours is College was started in the year 2015, functioning at Perambalur district which is only one of its kind.
The College is approved by NCTE and at present affiliated to Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai
Name of the Course | Order Number | Date |
B.P.Ed | F.SRO/NCTE/APSO5197/B.P.Ed/TN/2015-2016/ 68392 No.TNPESU/Regr/Fresh Affilin/2015 | 25.06.2015 |
Name of the Founder & Chairman | Shri.A.SRINIVASAN Chancellor Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University |
Name of the Trust | Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Charitable and Educational Trust, Perambalur. |
Name of the Principal | Dr.V.Jayanthi |
Year of Establishment | 2015 |
Courses offered with intake | B.P.E.S ., B.P.Ed ., |
Recognized by | National council for Teacher Education SRC, New Delhi. |
Affiliated by | Tamilnadu Physical Education & Sports University Chennai. |
Recognition order No | F.No/SRC/NCTE/APSO5197/B.P.Ed/ TN/2015-16/65977 dt:30.05.2015. |
University order No | TNPESU/Regr./Fresh Affilin/2015 Dt: 7.10.2015. OP.No-2627/TNPESU/R4/Aff/2020 Dt: 14.06.2022 |
College Code | 17 |
Address for Communication | Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of
Physical Education, Thuraiyur Road, Perambalur – 621 212. |
Phone No | 7094466482 |
E.mail Add.off | dscpes@gmail.com |
Web site | www.dscpe.co.in |
The College strives to impart quality education and Sports, through a stimulating and innovative environment. Since inception, the college has been endeavouring to establish itself as a nodal center of learning, research and training.

The emblem of the college consists of a circle divided into four parts. On the top left, there is Olympic torch signifying the mettle competence of students and the top right quarter circle exhibits the venerating hands which symbolize modesty and tradition. At the bottom right there is an open book symbolizing knowledge. The bottom left represents a lotus the symbol which stands for purity and prosperity. Beneath the circle, there is a part of a verse from Thirukkural translated in English as “Knowledge is Power” which is the motto of our college

The mission is to create a flawless pedagogical community by imparting a sound Physical education and educational teaching practice, inculcating in the students, sense of social service, a fervent spirit of patriotism, national integration,National Sports and democratic outlook as well as honing their dexterity to develop as resourceful and enterprising citizens who would contribute their best to national culture and civilization.

The college envisages, strives to constitute and proliferate knowledge as “Knowledge is Power”. The vision of the college is represented in its emblem.
Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives are made known to various stakeholders through

The values determined reflect the vision of the college. The values are incorporated with an essential physical Education and Sports qualities required for pedagogical community. These values and qualities namely are, dedication to the academic growth, personal well being of the Physical ,Mental and Social fitness making them as utility infielders, who could contribute their best to student community, bestowed with other values like as adaptability, Physical fitness tolerance, oriented socially with service mindedness.